Below are Questions About ICPS
1 - When did Love Ambassadors Ministries have her first Sunday Service?
2 - When is Pastor David Ifechukwu’s birthday?
3 - Which month does the ministry’s (LAM) Calendar start each year?
4 - Why is ICPS held every year?
5 - LAM's first anniversary was held on the...?
6 - LAM's first anniversary was tagged? Which is now the name of our flagship
missionary and
evangelistic publication.
7 - When and where was the first ‘ICPS’ held?
8 - What was the highlight of the first ‘ICPS’?
9 - When was the next ICPS held after the first?
10 - What is the edition of this year’s ICPS?
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Or 08062753311, 07032053248